Friday 4 July 2014

Norwich Trip

What We Did

We met at the train station in Cambridge and caught the train to Norwich. Once there, we had to walk over to the University. Whilst walking on campus I noticed some of the old buildings with lots of architectural detail, they reminded me of the Cambridge buildings I was familiar with. This helped me to visualise myself at Norwich University. The first part of the Degree Show we viewed was the: Games art, illustration and graphic design. I really liked all three of these exhibitions, however my favourite was the games art as the work was the most detailed and diverse. There was a mixture of: concept art, digital animation, playable 3D games, character designs, sketches, texture designs and scene and landscape designs. This course appealed to me the most as it opens a lot of doors for me and steers me into the right sort of career I would like to pursue, which is in the game and media art industry. On the other hand I also really liked the Illustration work, because there was so much variety between the pieces as there was a mix of digital and traditional work. There were pieces for: book illustrations, magazines, games and films.
After lunch we went into another building opposite and looked at: Fine art, film making, textiles and sculpture. Most of the work I saw was very expressive and very strange. These pieces varied from sound art, 3 TV's facing each other playing disturbing images and sounds and a broken stairway leading to a key on string. However I saw a few pieces which where very interesting, and some work which showed a lot of technical skill, which I really liked. The final part of the show was the fashion and animation. I really liked the animations as all the movies were all different and all technically good. My favourite was a 3D animation by a student. The animation showed the life of a man who was cursed and was trying to be good but always hurt everything he touched. I liked this short best because it had the best technical 3D animation and created the biggest impact when watching it. However some of the animations were very strange, and I didn't get what the message of the film was.


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