
Rough Strokes

Wacom Painting Collection

Here is a collection of digital paintings
I have produced using a wacom tablet
and Photoshop. I have used a very
unique style to produce these pieces,
making them look very rough and
almost messy. I think they look very
effective, and work best together.

Here is another wacom drawing of an
art student I work with in my course, I
especially like the texture of the scarf.

My favourite of the pieces is the 
boy with glasses and a scarf on.
I really like the texture I have got
from the scarf and the way his 
head cuts off at the scarf. Of the 6
pieces, it also has the best and most
interesting composition.

Here is a wacom drawing I made of my
friend where I have used my unique
Another wacom drawing of myself,
however in this one I have only included
the head. Therefore I could focus putting
detail on the face.
Here is another wacom of a student
I think this one has a whole other mood
to the other drawing in the collection,
as it seems a little more dark.

This is a digital painting of myself
which I drew using a bamboo
wacom tablet.
The final wacom of the series, where I
have included half of the subjects
body. This gave the whole piece
a different feel to the others, and looks
less rough.

Other Wacom Work

Wacom Drawing Collection Using a Variety of Techniques/ Styles

Photo-shoot Photos

Here are 4 photos I took then manipulated on Photoshop. I based and focused them on 3 subjects: Colour, black and white and text.

Poster and Invitation Designs

Here are two pieces of graphic work which I have made for the Long Road Art Exhibition.

This one is a poster for the Long Road Art Exhibition. I had chose to use the Long Road colours for this poster, therefore the viewers could immediately tell where the event is taking place, and who's it is. Unfortunately my poster was not chosen, however I was complimented on it and my hard work on the poster was well recognised.

This is an invitation I was asked by my course teacher to produce, which would be used as an invite to the NDAD Y1 Art Exhibition, which my work is currently being displayed in. I wanted this invitation to look very sleek and professional, therefore I used a lot of white and tried to show off the art work. The deign is quite simple, yet effective. I had made 3 possible outcomes and agreed with the teachers that this one was the most suitable and attractive.

Photomanipulation Work - Based On Bechira Soren's Work

These digital pieces here are made by taking an image of a vehicle and then pulling it apart and putting it back together to form an animal. I have used images of both motorbikes and cars to build these creatures.

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