Thursday 6 November 2014

Digital Samples

Here are a few digital samples I have produced using multiple techniques and processes, based of certain artists styles.

This piece is based off a digital illustrator
called Rua. I chose to do the Joker as his
subject is often comic book characters.
And the Joker is the closest to an Urban
like character.

Here is a photo manipulation I did of a rhino (referring to
rural) using parts of a motorbike (referring to urban).
This is my favourite digital piece as it looks the most
interesting and creates the biggest impact.

This is an image of a cityscape, done in a paper cut style
where I made the buildings closer to the foreground lighter.
I also made various buildings red to give the piece more

This is a vector graphic I made inspired by various basic
colourful graphics I found when researching. I first made
the left image. However once I finished it, I thought it
looked a bit borings I reflected the image and changed it
to night and day. 

I was researching an artist called Aryz who is a graffiti artist
and decided to do skulls in his style as skulls are one of his
main subject matters.

This is based on an artist called Josh Bryant, where he uses
lines to create an origami like look to the piece. I wanted to
make the piece my own by adding colour to the shapes.

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