Tuesday 1 July 2014

Drawing In Cambridge

This was done using pencil and I was stood on another bridge
over the river, so I could get a high up viewpoint and see
everything in clear view.
I produced this piece by drawing using felt tip and not taking
my pen off the page. I found this technique quite difficult
and it gave an interesting effect. I don't really like this
drawing as it looks a bit too surreal for me.
I found drawing in Cambridge very inspirational and informative towards my Urban and Rural unit. I produced several drawings of the surrounding area, mostly to do with rural. 
We visited the Punting River and Parkers Peace therefore, there was a lot more rural sites then urban. I am happy with my drawings as I used a wide  range of techniques and medias, such as: Fine liner, pencil, charcoal and felt tip.

I wasn't quite sure how this drawing was going to turn out as I
drew it without looking down at the page. I didn't see it until I
had finished scanning the building. I quite like the effect of
this drawing as it looks quite interesting and as if the building
is moving.
To draw this image I used a felt tip and was very expressive
and almost cartoon like when drawing it. For example when
I drew the water, I wanted to add every ripple and stream I
saw using lines. This technique did not go as I planned, but
I still like the effect it creates.

For the final image I drew the punting river from a bridge
overlooking the punts bay. I used a fine liner to draw it. Most
of the details in the image went to plan, however I wasn't sure
how to approach the water so I decided to shade in black the
areas which were not affected by the light. I also didn't get to
finish it as it was supposed to be a 3 minute drawing.

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