Tuesday 1 July 2014

Anglia Ruskin University Degree Show

Anglia Ruskin University Degree Show

On Friday 20th June my art group and I attended the Anglia Ruskin Art and Design Degree Show. The show consisted of 8 separate exhibitions for the different art medias which were: Illustration, Graphic Design, Game Design, Fashion, Fine Art, Interior Design, Animation and Photography.

Out of the areas my favourite was Illustration and Game Design. 
I liked Illustration as the work was very professional and mixed both practical techniques with digital. My favourite piece of the collection, were the comic books, produced by Nicky Durham.
I also really liked the Game Design work, as the students had made actual working games which looked like something I would be interested in playing. My favourite work from this are was the concept artwork produced by Jonathon Shilling. His digital paintings were very detailed, and looked like the artwork you would see from a professional games company.

Overall it was a very good trip which I thoroughly enjoyed, I took a lot of inspiration from the work displayed and will definitely go back next year. From seeing the work and outcomes produced by the students at Anglia Ruskin, I am now a lot more interested in attending Anglia Ruskin University myself.

Nicky Durham: 

Jonathon Shilling:


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