Thursday 4 December 2014

Lawson Gallery Visit - Cambridge

I had chosen to visit The Lawson Gallery in Cambridge. I chose this gallery because I have been passion gofer many years when visiting Cambridge, but never actually going in and seeing the work. I would sometimes look through the window and see work which I really like the look of. Once we where told to do this project I initially wanted to go to an exhibition in London. However I could not find an appropriate day to go there and some where hard to find. I then decided to go somewhere more local which lead me to 

The Lawson Gallery. I then looked up the gallery online and found 2 artists who I would like to explore (Ed Robinson, Karen Pittaway). I found that the artwork was very well executed and would contribute well to what I am currently doing in my art. I chose these artist because they all include the aspect of urban, to do with a city environment (Architecture).

Ed Robinson

I found the work of Ed Robinson to be the most relevant to my work as it includes urban environments and mixed media techniques, which is what I'm experimenting in at the moment. 
The painting is of the National Gallery in London on a rainy day. From close observation I found that he used: newspapers, magazines and oil paints. This added a large amount of texture to the piece. The piece had a shiny finish which suggests that he used PVA glue to stick on the paper. The shininess helped convey the fact that in the picture it is raining, as it showed reflections from the light. He also used more newspaper on he buildings closer to the foreground. This helped 

to add to the perspective of the piece and created a literal sense of depth from the texture.
The piece is not incredibly refined however there is actually a lot of detail from the: subject matter, composition and amount of things going on in the painting. I really like this piece as it is very interesting to look at and draws the viewer in.

Karen Pittaway

This piece is an oil painting of Kings Parade in Cambridge. It looks like a busy clear skies day set in modern day. The artist has included a lot of high contrast and detail however it is done in a simplistic style, which is similar to Lour-e. There is no surface texture, therefore the oil paints have been very thinly applied yet still maintains bold colours. My favourite part of the painting is the way she has created perspective and made it look like its a living world and the painting seems a if its alive.

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